Youtube kids shows videos promoting drug

YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drug culture and …

05.05.2022 — YouTube is showing videos that promote skin-bleaching, weight loss, drug culture and firearms to children as young as two, …

YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drugs and guns to …

YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drugs and guns to children –

05.05.2022 — YouTube Kids has been found to have shown children as young as two years old videos that promote drug culture, firearms, weight loss and …

Videos with references to meth had made their way onto the children’s app

YouTube Kids Shows Videos Promoting … –

YouTube Kids Shows Videos Promoting Drug Culture, Firearms To Toddlers: Report

06.05.2022 — YouTube Kids — a dedicated app for kids that’s designed to show kids-centric videos were found to promote skin bleaching, weight loss, drug …

This is according to a new investigation that was carried out by Tech Transparency Project — a US-based non-profit — on the aforementioned variant of YouTube’s app that was released in 2015.

YouTube Kids Shows Videos Promoting Drug … – Slashdot

YouTube Kids Shows Videos Promoting Drug Culture, Firearms To Toddlers – Slashdot

05.05.2022 — An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: YouTube is showing videos that promote skin-bleaching, weight loss, drug culture and …

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: YouTube is showing videos that promote skin-bleaching, weight loss, drug culture and firearms to children as young as two, a new investigation of the company’s “Kids” app has found. YouTube Kids, an app and website released in 2015, is supposed …

Youtube kids shows videos promoting … – Al Mayadeen English

Youtube kids shows videos promoting drug culture and weapons | Al Mayadeen English

A recent analysis of YouTube’s “Kids” app has revealed that it proposes videos that encourage skin-bleaching, weight loss, drug culture, …

Youtube kids was released in 2015 as a safer, more monitored version for children under 13.

YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drug culture and firearms to …

YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drug culture and firearms to toddlers – YouTube

… try restarting your device. Your browser can’t play this video. … YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drug culture and firearms to toddlers.

YouTube Kids Controversy: Drugs and Firearm Culture Under …

YouTube Kids Controversy: Drugs and Firearm Culture Under Question | Al Bawaba

08.05.2022 — Amongst the most trusted video-sharing apps that cater to kids’ needs … YouTube Kids shows videos promoting drug culture and firearms to …

As the role of the digital world in everyday life deepens every day, it has become harder and harder for parents to stop their kids from consuming video

YouTube Kids exposed for suggesting drug and gun videos

06.05.2022 — Some examples include videos talking about concealing firearms and “encouraging skin bleaching.” READ MORE: Here are the secret emojis teens are …

Researchers found that the AI-powered content moderation on YouTube Kids was letting drug references and other harmful content through.

Indiatimes – YouTube Kids videos were found to promote… | Facebook

YouTube Kids Shows Videos Promoting Drug Culture, Firearms To Toddlers: Report. This is according to a new investigation that was carried out by Tech …

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